What happens after I purchase?

After checkout, you'll complete an interactive intake module. We will ask basic questions about your medical history and allergies, if any.

After your intake, if a one-on-one video visit is NOT required, our doctors will immediately review your intake responses. If your order is approved, we'll notify you via email, issue your prescriptions and ship your medication to your door.

After your intake, if a video visit IS required, you'll schedule a live consultation with one of our physicians via videoconference. At the consultation, your Duration Health physician will review each medication with you and confirm that all medications are appropriate.

After your video visit, you will receive a proposal with the contents and finalized price of your customized Med Kit. If medications are added or removed during your physician consultation, the price of your Med Kit will be adjusted accordingly, and you'll be invited to pay the difference or receive a full refund.

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